Day: September 15, 2023

Making the Right Choice For Pristine Indoor AirMaking the Right Choice For Pristine Indoor Air

The air you breathe is more polluted than ever. As our homes have become more tightly-sealed & insulated, Mother Nature’s natural processes no longer clean the air. The result is that indoor air is often five to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. The pollutants in your home’s air include Airborne Particles that can include pathogens & microbes and also a variety of Chemicals, Odors & Gases.

Making the right choice for pristine indoor air  to help reduce these contaminants by eliminating them at their source. Our products attack the problem of dirty indoor air by removing these dangerous substances from the over 1.5 million cubic feet of re-circulated air that moves through a typical heating and cooling system every day.

Choosing Pristine Air: How to Make the Right Decision for Your Indoor EnvironmenT

Pristine Air’s cleaning solutions directly address the three kinds of common contaminants found in most residential spaces. The first are particles and allergens that include dander, skin flakes, dust mite feces, insect parts, mold spores, pet dander & pollen. These cause symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, coughing, congestion and asthma attacks. The other major kind of pollutants are odors, chemicals and gases such as cleaning solvents, cigarette smoke, formaldehyde & benzene. These can cause a variety of problems from headaches to nausea to blurred vision to memory lapse and lung damage.