Proseal Spray Foam is a popular and effective way to add insulation and create a seal in your home. Its air-sealing properties help keep energy costs low, while improving comfort and reducing unwanted noise from the outdoors or neighbors. But what exactly is it made of and how does it work? South Central Services receives this question from many of our customers, and we’d like to provide some helpful information.
Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) is a composite material created by two liquid chemical components that undergo a chemical reaction when they meet at the tip of a spray gun. The chemicals are kept in separate hoppers or tanks and transported through gas pressure or a liquid until they are ready to meet at the tip of the spray gun, at which point they react to create the plastic foam. These chemicals are typically called the A side and the B side, but each spray foam manufacturer has its own proprietary blend of chemicals.
The Science Behind Proseal Spray Foam Insulation
When choosing your spray foam insulation, look for a product that uses a blowing agent with low global warming potential (GWP). The HFCs used to be commonly found in many products, but there are now a number of manufacturers using alternative blowing agents that have significantly lower GWPs, including Ecomate CM01 by BASF and Genyk Boreal Nature by Gensun. These newer, patented ingredients are not as harmful to the environment as the former HFCs, and are also safer for workers to use in their application.
“Proseal Spray Foam
825 W Main St, Hortonville, WI 54944
(715) 467-7165